主頁 > 醫學用語

Respiratory System

Breathing (RR) 呼吸
Adequate / Inadequate 足夠 / 不夠
Effective / Ineffective 有效 / 無效
Deep / Shallow 深 / 淺
Laboured / Easy 用力 / 容易

Lung Sound
Wheezing / Rhonchi 喘鳴聲
Crackles 破裂聲
Stridor 上呼吸道喘鳴

Signs & Symptoms
Apnea / Asphyxia 窒息
Bradypnea / Tachypnea 呼吸緩慢 / 急速
Barrel chest 酒桶胸
Choking 氣梗
Dyspnea 呼吸困難
Gasping 陣發呼吸
Haemoptysis 咳血
Hyperventilation 換氣過度
Hypoxia 缺氧
Snoring sound 鼻鼾聲
Circulation system

Strong / Weak 強 / 弱
Regular 規則
Irregular 不規則
Rapid / Slow 快 / 慢

Distal pulse
Radial 橈脈搏
Carotid 頸脈搏
Pedis 足背脈搏
Femoral 腹股脈搏

Signs & Symptoms
Bradycardia 心跳過慢
Tachycardia 心跳過速
Haemorrhage 出血
Hypertension 高血壓
Hypotension 低血壓
Internal bleeding 內出血

Balloon(PTCA) 通波仔
Bypass 搭橋
Patient Assessment

Skin 皮膚
Pink / Pale 粉紅 / 蒼白
Flush 潮紅
Cyanosis 發紺
Warm 溫暖
Cool / Cold 涼 / 冷
Dry / Wet 乾 / 濕
Sweaty 多汗
Clammy 濕冷
Diaphoretic 汗如水珠

Pupil 瞳孔
Dilate 放大
Constricted 縮小
Unequal 不對稱
Reactive to light 對光有反應
Sluggish 遲鈍
Pin-point 針孔
Pain Assessment

Postion 位置

Sharp pain 針拮痛
Dull pain 隱痛/鈍痛
Throbbing pain 抽動的痛
Crushing pain 壓迫痛
Tightness pain 繃緊痛
Colicky pain 腸絞痛
Burning pain 火燒痛
Stabbing pain 如針刺痛
Indigestion pain 食滯般脤痛

Clavicle 鎖骨
Scapula 肩胛骨
Sternum 胸骨

Radiate to …. 放射至
Localized at …. 限於一地

Minimal 小痛
Mild 輕度痛
Moderate 中度痛
Severe 劇痛
Agonizing 極度劇痛

Constant 持續痛
On & Off 陣痛
Glasgow Coma Scale ( GCS )

4 Spontaneously 自然地
3 To speech 對說話有反應
2 To pain 對痛楚有反應
1 No response 沒有反應

5 Oriented 有條理
4 Confused 說話含糊
3 Inappropriate words 用言不當
2 Incomprehensible sounds 不能理解
1 No response 沒有反應

6 Obeys commands 服從指令
5 Localizes pain 受刺激時動作
4 Withdraw from pain 受痛時退縮
3 Abnormal flexion to pain 手腳失控地屈曲
2 Extension to pain 手腳失控地僵直
1 No response 沒有反應

Head 頭部
Frontal 前額
Parietal 頭頂
Temporal 兩則
Occipital 後枕
Scalp 頭皮
Cheek 面頰
Chin 下顎

Eye 眼
Glabella 眉間
Eyebrow 眼眉
Eyelid 眼蓋
Eye ball 眼球
Pupil 瞳孔

Ear 耳
Earlobe 耳垂
Eardrum 耳膜

Mouth 口
Gums 牙床

Teeth 牙齒
Canine 犬齒
Incisor 門牙
Molar 臼齒

Nose 鼻
Nose bridge 鼻樑
Nostrils 鼻孔
Wing of N 鼻翼

Neck 頸部
Trachea 氣管
Esophagus 食道

Chest 胸部
Armpit 腋窩
Breast 乳房
Nipple 乳頭

Abdomen 腹部
Navel 肚臍

Back 背部

Hips 臀部
Buttock 臀部
Groin 腹股溝
Anus 肛門
Penis 陽具
Perineum 會陰
Vagina 陰道
Upper limb

Upper limb 上肢
Upperarm 上臂
Elbow 手肘
Forearm 前臂
Wrist 手腕
Fist 拳頭
Palm 手掌
Hand back 手背
Nail 指甲
Finger-tip 指尖

finger 手指
Thumb 拇指
Forefinger 食指
Middle finger 中指
Ring finger 無名指
Little finger 尾指
Lower limb

Lower limb 下肢
Thigh 大腿
Knee 膝蓋
Popliteal fossa 膝後窩
Lower leg 小腿
Calf 小腿(腳肚)
Ankle 足踝
Heel 腳後跟
Instep 腳面
Foot sole 腳底

toe 腳趾
Hallux 拇趾
Second 二趾
Middle 中趾
Nameless 無名趾
Little 尾趾

Frontal 髂骨
Parietal 頂骨
Temporal 顳骨
Occipital 枕骨
Cranium 顱骨

Zygomatic 顴骨
Nasal bone 鼻骨
Maxilla 上頷骨
Mandible 下頷骨

Clavicle 鎖骨
Scapula 肩胛骨
Sternum 胸骨

true ribs (7) 真肋骨
false rib (3) 假肋骨
floating rib(2) 浮肋骨

Spinal Column 脊椎
Cervical vertebrae (7)頸
Thoracic vertebrae (12)胸
Lumber vertebrae (5)腰
Sacral vertebrae (5)胝
Coccyx (4)尾

Humerus 肱骨
Radius 橈骨
Ulna 尺骨
Carpal bones 腕骨
Metacarpal bones 掌骨
Phalanges 指骨

Pelvis 盆骨
Femur 股骨
Patella 膝蓋骨
Tibia 脛骨
Fibula 腓骨
Tarsal bones 跗骨
Metatarsal bones 蹠骨
Phalanges 趾骨
Trauma / Wound

Incised 割傷
Laceration 裂傷
Contusion 挫傷
Puncturedg 刺傷
Stabbing 刺穿性創傷
Boring 錐傷
Abrasion 擦傷
Avulsion 撕裂

Crush 壓傷
Concussion 受震
Fracture 骨折
Sprain 扭傷
Bite 咬傷
Scratch 爪傷
Bruise 瘀傷
Ecchymosis 瘀斑
Wheal 條痕
Deformity 變形
Haematoma 血腫
Edema 水腫
Tumor 腫瘤
Amputate 切斷(肢)
Gun shoot 槍傷
knife wound 刀傷
Burn 燒傷
Scald 燙傷
Thunder struck 雷劈
Electric shock 電擊
Blast injury 炸傷
Corrosive injury 腐蝕性傷
Arthralgia/Joint pain 關節痛
Spurs 骨刺
Torn ligament 韌帶撕裂
obvious wound 明顯傷痕
Signs & Symptoms

Gradually 慢慢地
Sudden 突然

Abasta 不良於行
Abd distension 肚脤
Anasarca 全身水腫
Appetite 胃口
Bloody stool 大便有血
Bloody urine 小便有血
Coffee ground 啡色渣滓
Diarrhea 腹瀉
General aching 全身疼痛
General malaise 全身不適
Hemiplegia 半身不遂
Incontinence 失禁
Palsy of Lt / Rt side 左/右身不遂
Paraplegia 下身癱瘓
Snoring sound 鼻鼾聲
Tarry stool 黑色糞便
To vomit bile 嘔黃膽水
Water stool 水大便

Convulsion 抽筋
Foam at mouth 口吐白沫
Frothy blood 有泡血
Headache 頭痛
Inflammation 發炎
Itch 痕癢
NAD 沒明確不適
Nausea 作嘔
Numbness 痳痺
Rigor 強直 / 發冷
Rolling of eye 反白眼
Saliva drooling 流口水
Shuddering 發抖
Sleepless 無法入睡
Slurvian 口齒不清
Vomitus 嘔吐物
Signs & Sympotoms

Amnesia 失憶
Anxiety 焦慮
Confusion 混亂
Distress 苦惱
Drowsy 昏昏欲睡
Emotional agitated 情緒激動
Hallucination 幻覺
Insomnia 失眠
Restless 煩躁
Dizziness 頭暈無力
Drowsiness 迷迷糊楜
Dull looking 目光呆滯
Fainting 喪失意識
Fatigue 疲倦
Giddy 眼花撩亂
Seizures 癲癇發作
Syncope 短暫暈厥
Unconscious 不省人事
Vertigo 天旋地轉

Guarding 觸硬
Swelling 腫脹
Deformity 畸形
Scar 疤痕
Guarding 繃硬
Mass 腫塊
Edema 水腫
Heamatoma 血腫

Skin 皮膚
Itch 痕癢
Red spot / erythema 紅斑
Wheal 疹塊
Respiratory System

Asbestosis 石棉沉著病
Asthma 哮喘
Bronchitis 支氣管炎
Common cold / Flu 感冒 / 流行性感冒
Decompression sickness 減壓病
Emphysema 肺氣腫
Haemothorax 血胸
Pleuritis 胸膜炎
Pneumothoray 氣胸
Pneumonia 肺炎
Pneumoconiosis 肺塵埃沉著病
Pulmonary Congestion 肺充血
Pulmonary Embolism 肺栓塞
Pulmonary Edema 肺水腫
Silicosis 矽肺病
Sleep apnea 睡眠窒息症
Tonsilitis 扁桃腺炎
Tracheitis 氣管炎
Tuberculosis(TB) 肺癆

Circulation system

A.M.I. 急性心肌梗塞
Anemia 貧血
Angina 心絞痛
Angioma 血管瘤
Angiosclerosis 血管硬化
Arrhythmia 心律不正
Capillary 毛細血管
Cardiac arrest 心跳停頓
Cardiomegaly 心臟肥大
CVA / Stroke 中風
C.H.F. 充血性心衰竭
Endocarditis 心內膜炎
IHD 缺血性心臟病
RHD 風濕性心臟病
Myocarditis 心肌炎
Pacemaker implanted 裝置了心臟起博器
Perlcarditis 心包炎
Valvular disease 心瓣病
Varicose veins 靜脈曲張

Athlets's foot 腳癬(香港腳)
Bed sore 褥瘡
Chickenpox 水痘
Corn 雞眼
Dermatosis 皮膚病
Eczema 濕疹
German measies 德國痲疹
Leprosy 痲瘋
SLE 紅班狼瘡
Measles 痲疹
Psoriasis 牛皮癬
Rubella/Roseola 風疹/玫瑰疹
Scabies 疥瘡
blood & lymph

A.I.D.S. 愛滋病
Gonorrnea 淋病
Haemophilia 血友病
Leukemia 白血病(血癌)
Lymphadenitis 淋巴腺炎
Lymph vesscels 淋巴管
Lymph nodes 淋巴結
Scurvy 壞血病
Septicaemia 敗血病
Syphills / Lues 梅毒
Thalassaemia 地中海貧血症
Venereal Disease (V.D.) 花柳
Eye & ENT

Amblyopia 弱視
Bloodshot Eyes 滿眼紅絲
Cataract 白內障
Color Blindness 色盲
Glaucoma 青光眼
Floaters 飛蚊症
Night blindness 夜盲症
Vision blurred 視覺模糊
Hearing Aid 助聽器
Hering defect 聽覺不良
Meniere's disease 耳水不平衡
Tinnitus 耳鳴
Nasal bleeding 流鼻血
Sinusitis 鼻竇炎
Dysphasia 言語困難
Epiglottitis 會厭炎
Sleep Apnea 睡眠窒息症
Tonsillitis 扁桃腺炎

Chemotheraphy 化療
Radiotheraphy 放射治療
Bone / Cervieal Ca 骨 / 子宮頸癌
Brain Tumor 腦腫瘤
Breast Ca 乳癌
Colon / Bowel Ca 結腸 / 腸
Esophagus Ca 食道癌
Fibroma 纖維瘤
Hemangioma 血管瘤
Larynx Ca 喉癌
Leukemia 血癌(白血病)
Liver / Lung Ca 肝 / 肺癌
Lymphoma 淋巴瘤
Melanoma / Skin Ca 皮膚癌
Nasopharyngeal 鼻咽癌
Ovarian Ca 卵巢癌
Pancreas Ca 胰臟癌
Prostate Gland Ca 前列腺癌
Stomach / Testis Ca 胃 /睪丸癌
Uteruine / Rectum Ca 子宮 / 直腸癌
Digestive System

Alcoholic 酗酒者
Anorexia 無胃口
Appendicitis 盲腸炎
Bloody Stool 大便有血
Cirrhosis Liver 肝硬化
Cholangitis 膽管炎
Cholecystitis 膽囊炎
Cholesterol 膽固醇
Colitis 結腸炎
Constipation 便秘
Diarrhea 腹瀉
Duodenum 十二指腸
Duodenitis 十二指腸炎
Duodenal ulcer 十二指腸潰瘍
Dyspepsia 消化不良
Endoscopy 內窺鏡檢查
Enterostomy 腸造口術
Gallstone 膽石
Gastritis 胃炎
Gastric Ulcer 胃潰瘍
Gastroenteritis 腸胃炎
Gastroxia 胃酸過多
Haematemesis 嘔血(胃)
Haemorrhoid 痔瘡
Hepatitis 肝炎
Incontinence 失禁
Intestinal obstruction 腸梗塞
Kidney stone 腎石
Kidney failure 腎衰竭
Loss of appetite 食慾不振
Nephritis 腎炎
Ryle's tube 胃喉
Nerogcal System

Amnesis 失憶
Anorexia 厭食症
Autism 自閉症
Dementia 老人痴呆病
Depression 抑鬱症
Down's syndrome 唐氏宗合症
Emotional agitated 情緒激動
Epilepsy 癲癇症
Extreme anxiety 極度焦慮
Hallucination 幻覺
Hypohondria 憂鬱
Hysteria 歇斯底里
Incoherence of speech 語無倫次
Mania 躁狂症
Meningitis 腦膜炎
Mongolism 蒙古症
Mental retardation 智力不足
Palsy of one side 半身不遂
Paralysis 癱瘓
Paraplegia 下身癱瘓
Quadriplegia 四肢癱瘓
Parkinson's disease 柏金遜病
Psychasthenia 神經衰弱
Sciatica 坐骨神經痛

Collapse 昏迷
Dizziness 頭暈軟弱
Drowsy 迷迷糊糊
Fainting 眼前一黑
Syncope 短暫暈厥
Vertigo 天旋地轉
Semi-comatose 半昏迷
Unconscious 人事不省
Gynecology & Obstetri

Aborticide 墜胎
Amniotic fluid 羊水
Candidiasis 念珠菌病
Cervicitis 子宮頸炎
Climacteric 更年期
Colpitis 陰道炎
D&C 刮宮
Delivery 分娩
Dysmrnorrhea 經痛
Ectopia gestation 宮外孕
E.D.C. 預產期
Female disease 婦女病
Fetus 胎兒
Menses Period 月經
Hypermenorrhea 經血過多
Incubator 育嬰箱
Induced abortion 人工流產
Labour pain 陣痛
L.M.P. 最後經期
Leaking+ 有穿水
Menstrual disturbance 經亂
Multiole pregnancy 多胎
Menopause 停經
Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症
PV bleeding 陰道出血
Pregnancy 懷孕
P.Haemorrhage 產後出血
Ruptured Ectopic pregnancy 宮外孕
Uterus 子宮
Ovarian 卵巢
Vagina 陰道
Gynecopathy 婦科病

Cerebral 大腦
Cerebellum 小腦
Medulla oblongate 延腦
Medulla bone 骨髓
Medulla spinalis 脊髓
Tongus 舌頭
Nasopharynx 鼻咽
Throat 喉嚨
Trachea 氣管
Esophagus 食道
Gall 膽囊
Appendix 闌尾
Caecum 盲腸
Colon 結腸
Duodenum 十二指腸
Ileum 迴腸
Jejunum 空腸
Small intestine 小腸
Large instestine 大腸
Rectum 直腸
Bladder 膀胱
Penis 陽具
Testis 睪丸
Perineum 會陰
Uterus 子宮
Cervix uteri 子宮頸
Vagina 陰道

Signs & Symptoms
Anuria 閉尿
Catheter of Urine 尿喉
Dysuria 排尿困難
Haematuria 血尿
Urinary frequency 尿頻

Hemodialysis 血液透析(洗腎)
Peritoneal dialysis 腹膜透析(洗肚)
Prostatectomy 前列腺切除術

Cystitis 膀胱炎
Hernia 小腸氣
Nephritis 腎炎
Polyuria 多尿症
Preitoneal Hyertropht 前列腺肥大
Pyelonephritis 腎盂炎
Uremia 尿毒症
Urethritis(URI) 尿道炎
Uricaciduria 尿酸過多
Infectious Diseases

Anthrax 炭疽
Cerebrospinal Meningitis 腦膜炎
Chicken Pox 水痘
Diphtheria 白喉
Dysentery 痢疾
Erysipelas 丹毒
Gastro-enteritis 腸胃炎
German Measles (Rubella) 德國痳疹
Glandular Fever 腺熱
Influenza 流行性感冒
Lethargic Encephalitid 昏睡腦炎
Measles 痳疹
Mumps 痄腮
Paratyphoid 副傷寒
Poliomyelitis 脊髓灰質炎
Rabies 狂犬病
Scarlet Fever 猩紅熱
Smallpox 天花
Tetanus (Lockjaw) 破傷風
Typhoid (Enterio Fever) 傷寒
Typhus Fever (Gaol Fever) 斑疹傷寒
Whooping Cough 百日咳
Yellow Fever 黃熱病
Dengue 登革熱

Angalgesic 止痛藥
Antibiotic 抗生素
Anticonvulsant 抗抽搐藥
Antidiarrhoeal 止瀉藥
Antiemetic 止嘔藥
Antipyretic drug 退燒藥
Amphetamine 安非他明
Aspirin 阿士匹靈
Bronchodilator 擴張氣管藥
Camphor 樟腦
Cathartic 瀉藥
Chloroform 哥羅芳
Chinna 強力膠
Codeine 可待因
Contraceptive 避孕藥
Cough Syrup 咳水
Detergent 除污劑
Diuretic 利尿劑
Disinfectant 消毒劑
Emmenagogue 通經藥
Hydrogen Peroxide 雙氧水
Hypnotic 安眠藥
Panadol 必理痛
Penicillin 盤尼西林
Saridon 散利痛
Stimulant 興奮劑
Steroid 類固醇
Suppository 肛門塞藥
Tetracyclin 四環素
Thinner 天拿水
Viagra 偉哥

Dipipanone 地匹派酮
Heroine 海洛英
Methadone 美沙酮
Physeptone 菲任通
Morphine 嗎啡
Opium 鴉片
Hallucinogen 迷幻藥
Cannabis 大麻
Cannabis resin 大麻精
LSD 麥角副酸
Stimulants 興奮劑
Amphetamines 安非他命
Phrntermine 大力丸
Cocaine 可卡因
MDMA 搖頭/忘我/狂喜/E仔
Apparent death

Corpse 屍體
Decay 腐爛
Fetid 惡臭
Lividity 屍斑
Mummy 乾屍
Rigor mortis 屍僵
Scorch 燒焦
Common word

Abuse 虐待
Attempted suicide 企圖自殺
Burned charcoal 燒炭
Car-sickness 暈車浪
Durg overdose 過量藥物
Drug Addict 癮君子
Drowning 遇溺
Drowned 溺斃
Dwarf 侏儒
Electrical hurt 電傷
Fiery suicide 自焚
Food poisoning 食物中毒
Foreign body 異物
Gas leakage 漏煤氣
Hanging 吊頸
Heat Stroke 中暑
Insect sting 昆蟲咬傷
Murder 謀殺
Smoken inhalation 吸入濃煙
Strangled death 勒死
Bamboo Frame 竹棚
Construction site 地盤
Eaves 簷篷
Platform 月台
Slope 斜坡
Stair 樓梯
Lift 電梯
Elevator 扶手梯
Footbridge 行人天橋
Pedestrian 行人
Passenger 乘客
Blood Clot 血塊
Pool of Boold 血泊
Incident Assult 非禮
Pederasty 雞姦
Rape / Incest 強姦
Incest 亂倫
Robbery 打劫
Insecticide 殺虫藥
Dettol 滴露

Assault 打架
Fist Only 拳頭打架
Knocked by 打 / 撞
Loss Balance 失去平衡
Land on Ground 落地
Jump / Land on 跳 / 掉在
was trapped 被困
Topple 推倒
Trip on 絆倒
Slap on Face 摑耳光
Slip and Fell 滑及跌
Roll down 滾下
Tumble down 倒塌
Bury 埋住

Supine 仰臥
Full Prone 俯臥
3/4 Prone 3/4俯臥
Lateral 側臥
Recumbent 半坐臥

crane 起重機
excavator 挖土機
tractor 推土機
lorry 貨車
oil tanker 運油車
light vehicle 輕型貨車
motorcycle 電單車
jeep 吉普車
private car 私家車
Fire engine 消防車

bicycle 單車
tricycle 三輪車
skateboard 滑板
rollar 輥軸溜冰
rollar-skates 溜冰鞋
handcart 手推車

yacht 遊艇
speed boat 快艇

helicopter 直昇機

Collision 互相碰撞
Head-On 頭撞
T-Bone 被側撞
Roll-Over 反轉
Rear-End 尾被撞
Bump off 撞開
Rebound 反彈
Run-Over 輾過
Rotational 旋轉
Air bag pop out 氣袋彈出

Safty island 安全島
Traffic light 交通燈
Lamppost 街燈
Crossing 交叉路口
Zebra crossing 斑馬線
Subway 行人隧道
Tunnel 隧道
Rock barrier 石墩

Steering Wheel 方向盤
Seat belt 安全蔕
Wind-screen 擋風玻璃
Luggage hold 行李箱
Dashboard 儀表板
Number-plate 車牌
Headlamp 頭燈
Taillamp 尾燈
Bonnet/hood 車頭罩
Tire 車胎
wiper 刮水器
Bumper 保險槓
Hand brake 手制
Petrol-tank 油箱
Exhaust pipe 排氣喉
Medical Terminology , Anatomy & Physiology

a - absence
an - absence
ante - before
bi - two , double
brady - slow
dys - painful , difficulty
extra - half
hemi - 被困
hyper - above , excess
hypo - below,deficient
intra - inside
inter - between
peri - around
poly - many , much
sud - below
supra - above
tachy - fast , rapid
tri - three
- ectomy surgical removal of
- it is inflammation of
- oma tumor of
- ostomy opening into
- plegia paralysis
- pnea breathing
- uria urine
Lateral 側臥
Erect 站立
Recumbent 半坐臥
Supine 仰臥
Prone 俯臥
Midline 中線
Anterior 前的
Posterior 後的
Superior 向上
Inferior 向下
Medial 近中
Lateral 離開中心
Proximal 近側的
Distal 遠側的
Dorsal 背側
Ventral 腹的
Superficial 表面
Deep 深層
Flexion 收縮
Extension 伸展
Abduction 外展
Adduction 內曲
Supination 轉向上
Pronation 轉向下

Supine 仰臥
Full Prone 俯臥
3/4 Prone 3/4俯臥
Lateral 側臥
Recumbent 半坐臥
Commonly Used Abbreviations

abd abdomen
ABG arterial blood gas
AC / ac before meals
AED automatic external defibrillator
AE, A/E air entry
am before noon
q am every morning
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AOB alcohol on breath
approx approximately
ARDS Adult respiratory distress syndrome
ASA acetylsalicylic acid, Aspirin
ASAP as soon as possible
ASD atrial septal defect
AV atrioventricular

bG blood glucose
bid twice a day
BP blood pressure
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy

Ca cancer
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
CAD coronary artery disease
cath catheter
CBC complete blood count
cc cubic centimeter
C/C chief complaint
CCU cardiac care unit
CHF congestive heart failure
CIS critical incident stress
CNS central nervous system
c/o complains of
CO carbon monoxide, cardiac output
CO2 carbon dioxide
COPD chronic obstructed pulmonary disease
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
C-section cesarean section
CSF cerebral spinal fluid
CT (CAT) computed tomography
CVA cerebrovascular accident
CVS cardiovascular system
CXR chest x-ray

D5NS 5% dextrose in normal saline
D5W dextrose 5% in water
D10W dextrose 10% in water
DOA dead on arrival
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DNR do not resuscitate
DVT deep venous thrombosis
Dx diagnosis

ECF extracellular fluid
ECG, EKG electrocardiogram
EEG electroencephalograph
ENT ears, nose, and throat
EP emergency physician
ER, ED emergency room, department
ET endotracheal
ETA estimated time of arrival

FiO2 fraction of inspired oxygen
FUO fever of unknown origin
Fx, # fracture

GI gastrointestinal
gtt drop

Hb hemoglobin
Hct hematocrit
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HPI history of present illness
H2O water
HR heart rate
hr hour
HS hora somni (at bedtime)
Hx history

ICF intracellular fluid
ICU intensive care unit
IDDM insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
IM intramuscular
IV intravenous

J joule
JVP jugular venous pressure

L liter
LLQ left lower quadrant
LOC level of consciousness, loss of consciousness
LP lumbar puncture
LUQ left upper quadrant

MAO monoamine oxidase
MCI multi-casualty incident
MD doctor of medicine
mEq/L millequivalents per liter
mg milligram
MI myocardial infarction
ml milliliter
mmol/L millimoles per liter
MRI magnetic resonance imaging (formerly NMR)
MVA motor vehicle accident
MVP mitral valve prolapse

none, not present, not found
NG nasogastric
NIDDM non-insulin dependant diabetes mellitus
nitro nitroglycerin
NKA no known allergies
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance(scan)
NPH neutral protamine hagedorn (insulin)
NPO nil per os(nothing by mouth)
NS, N/S normal saline
NYD not yet diagnosed

O2 oxygen
OB, OBS obstetrics
od once per day
OD overdose
OR operating room
OTC over the counter

PAC premature atrial contraction
PAT paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
pc after meals, after food
Pco2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide
PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure
per through, by
PERL pupils equal, react to light
PERLA pupils =, round, react to light, accommodate
PND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
PO by mouth, oral
Po2 partial pressure of oxygen
post-op post operative
PR per rectum
pre-op pre-operative
prn as needed, as required
pt. patient
PUD peptic ulcer disease
PVC premature ventricular contraction

q1h, q2h every hour, every two hours
qhs at bedtime
qid four times per day

RA rheumatoid arthritis
RAD right axis deviation
RBBB right bundle branch block
RBC red blood cells
RLQ right lower quadrant
ROM range of motion
RR respiratory rate
RUQ right upper quadrant
RV right ventricle
Rx, medication

S3 third heart sound
SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage
SC, sc subcutaneously
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
SL, sl sublingual
SOB shortness of breath
stat Rx immediately
SV stroke volume
SVT supraventricular tachycardia

T-2 second thoracic vertebrae
T3 triiodothyronine
T4 thyroxine
tab tablet
TB tuberculosis
TCA tricyclic antidepressants
TIA transient ischemic attack
tid three times per day
tPA tissue plasminogen activator
TPN total parenteral nutrition
T P R temperature, pulse, respiration
TKO, TKVO to keep vein open
Tx treatment

U/K unknown
URTI upper respiratory tract infection
UTI urinary tract infection

vag vaginal
VD veneral disease
VSD ventricular septal defect

WBC white blood count

yr year

elevated, increased, upper
diminished, decreased, lower
> greater than
< less than
=, ≠ equal, not equal

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